Annie's In Oregon

By anniescottage

Love Me For Me

Warning: Some of the images in this video are graphic and disturbing

Who will love me for me?

From the moment of waking, this line of this song played in my head, even though I have not heard it recently on the radio, nor do I own the CD. I couldn't remember any of the other words, so these words played over and over, no less than 100 times in my mind today.

Everyone we encounter during the day is serving someone. The sales clerk, the receptionist at the clinic, the nurse, the daughter/son seeking help for their parents, the person caring for the man who has dementia or the woman who has cancer, the social worker who helps them fill out paper work, everyone having the opportunity to brighten or darken the day for another. In light of all this, and knowing that, for the rest of my life, I will be among those who serve, as well as those who long to be loved just for who they are, I set my own heart on a simple mission statement to guide me through each encounter.

Still, at the end of the day, this song, this one line, "who will love me for me?" played on in my mind, and the realization that my heart had been so filled with joy from the moment the little beepy alarm thingy brought me to consciousness, and that I wasn't feeling deprived of Love, and in fact, felt full and satisfied, something occurred to me.

Out came the concordance to my Bible...sorry, it gets all Bible-y here, but I'm serious, this is how it went today...and I looked up and read: " Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?" Jesus said to him, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind." Matthew 22:36 & 37

Could it be that the line of the song was not a question my heart was asking, but rather a question that was being asked of me? "Who will Love Me for Me?" I barely even think about the first commandment. I have assumed it was the easiest, the simplest...and I suddenly suspect that I'm not the only one who skims over the "Love me..." and "Love your neighbor..." part, taking it for granted, and moving right on to the "Thou shalt nots". After all, those are the real instructions I can actually take action on, right? The first two are just about love, and we all know how to love...right?

Yet the greatest joy comes when the day is started with smiles at God and a heart that overflows with gratitude and words that express how enjoyable His company is and How wonderful it is to start a new day full of mercy each morning, loving Him as honestly as I am able, admitting my squishy spots and asking for help. How He seems to delight in that! What a contrast these days are to the ones that begin with complaint and grumbling. It almost seems too easy! Where's the part where I prove my love? Where's the part where I say everything just right? Seriously? You want me to Love You like crazy and enjoy Your company? That's it? Just for Who You are?! Seriously?! Then... You help me do all of the other 9 commandments like, loving my neighbors etc. etc. etc., because You Love me like crazy too...more than I can even love you?

I can't tell you what relief that is...

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