Backpack TopherHack

By TopherHack

Easy DC

A thousand thanks to Sam & Sarah, friends of friends who put us up in their lovely house in Washington DC.
The friends in question are Whit & Lindsay, who ventured up from Virginia too, and we all explored this historical centre together.

We saw grandiose buildings, countless museums, ate great food and enjoyed top drawer company - a great couple of days despite the stifling heat.

Above is a snippet of the impressive Lincoln Memorial, a structure that pops up in countless Hollwood courtroom dramas and conspiracy movies. It was roughly two years following Lincoln's assassination when the U.S. Congress appointed the Lincoln Monument Association to build a memorial dedicated to him. The plan was not realised until much later though when, in 1911, President Taft signed the Lincoln Memorial Bill to provide $2 million in funding for the memorial. On 12 February, 1911, construction began to commemorate Lincoln's birthday. On May 30, 1922, former President and Chief Justice William Howard Taft and Robert Todd Lincoln, Lincoln's only surviving child, lead the monument's dedicaiton ceremony.

It's certainly a monument befitting one of history's greats, and a memorable end to a couple of days in DC.

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