Mandy's Snaps

By mandyarmstrong

Rainy Day

My goodness, we've had some rain today! After the stifling heat of yesterday, it's been a bit of a shock to the system, but it's actually still not that cold...just makes getting out with the kids really difficult. Elliot and Tristan sat down (of their own accord) this morning, and watched the 3 first ever episodes of Doctor Who, which amazed me, a) because they are in black & white and b) because the effects are so bad! But it meant that I was able to sit and do some work until they got bored.

When the rain finally stopped after lunch, I found Mr Snail lurking in the front garden, and persevered with many shots until I got one that I was happy with. Hopefully it will stay dry for the rest of the day as Elliot has a football match this evening, and I'll have to embarrass him by wearing my flowery welly boots in front of his friends.

Let's hope that Friday is a bit drier!

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