just things

By faeriesigh

Ever Changing

Weather in the British summer time! We had a few days of fab summer sunshine and a massive thunderstorm last night which managed to knock out power for a large portion of this neck of the woods. Today, it could be described as autumnal if it wasn't so damn humid. I hate humidity. Despite my RA being in remission, damp still makes my joints ache and humidity is the worst for it.

Typically, it was the first day of Arwen's 2 day summer sports camp today. I think they managed to get outside for an hour or so this morning but have been inside for most of it. Never the less, she had a great time and is quite tuckered out. Hopefully, the weather will be better for it tomorrow.

This is something I blipped on my way home from taking her this morning, just before the heavens opened. I've blipped these ruins before I know, but it's hard to resist them :)

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