
It's nearly 6, the sun is coming out for the first time today and I can see blue sky over the tenement roofs opposite. Time for that mantra of the Scottish summer 'it's clearing!'

Thanks goodness, it's been a miserable day, with heavy rain. Luckily AL phoned early to change this morning's plans so I could avoid going out and worked from home. It was only when it got to 3 and I realised that a) I'd had no lunch and b) we had no food in the house that I braved the rain.

It's also been a really bitty day; changed plans this morning followed by a visit to A to update her on yesterday's findings, then an unwelcome call from K M about the trees in the Botanics being so beautiful she's changed her mind about the jolly green giant and wants to persuade others to do the same. That got my dander up so poor A had to suffer another visit while I shared my frustrations. Then boiler man #1 phoned to say he was running late and wouldn't manage so we discussed it over the phone. Lunch Mid afternoon sandwich followed by boiler man #2 and then finally M, from Blueberry.

Now I feel like I should be lying in a darkened room!

I've been envious of all these beautiful flower, bird, butterfly and bee blips recently so here are my sunflowers - not, as I would prefer, a whole field of them in SW France (except I expect most have been harvested by now) but from Tesco, in a vase in a top floor flat in Edinburgh. But I think you'll agree, they brighten the day.

Hope it's going to be a fine day for Mylo and I tomorrow.

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