"Just one of those days"

By LesleyAnneLaw

GB 'v' USA

A not much doing day again today it's been raining quite heavy well into late afternoon, so I've taken advantage after a morning/afternoon of doing school work with my daughter, to finish my second holiday jigsaw puzzle. Once I'd taken photo's it was time to break it up and put away, I was just closing the lid and noticed this on the side of the box.......

(GB) Doing a puzzle is a bit like doing yoga exercises... A vey welcome relaxation from your daily routine. It is a labour or love, challenge and light relief all in one.

(USA) Doing puzzles is exciting, with invigorating emotional ups and downs. Piece for piece, as you search, you find and search again, your feeling of achievement grows. One person can work on a puzzle or a whole group. Why don't you make your next party a puzzle one?

I found this funny, just shows how our two cultures and lifestyles are found to be different.

Just a wet wet rainy day in Yorkshire. X

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