Buckley Hughes World

By buckleyhughes


So, about four months ago Mrs BH lost her wallet. This was inconvenient, to say the least. It had her work pass, train pass, visa cards, credit card, driver's licence, buy-9-get-1-free-coffee cards and about £100 cash. Not good. We hunted, as the song goes, high and low, but we couldn't find the darn thing anywhere. We even re-traced her steps across rural Worcestershire to see if it might have fallen out of her pocket into the roadside...

So then we cancelled the cards, got replacement train passes and work passes, failed to get our Olympics tickets because hers was the card we'd used and then we'd cancelled it (thanks for that Olympic organising people - nicely done), and swallowed the loss of £100.

And then this evening I was getting the cutting mat out, which is kept behind the laundry basket (of course - where else?), and I found the wallet! And this is a pic of the cash that we had lost but have now found again - hurrah!

Now I just need some help finding my house-keys that I lost a couple of weeks ago... at this rate they'll turn up near Christmas.

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