Re-Vision: A Photo Journal

By shellkaysm

Lucy Bound

Our daughter is an avid Lucy fan, thanks to an "I Love Lucy" re-run marathon a couple of years ago on Hallmark channel. For her 11th birthday, we surprised her with the itinerary for the Lucy Fest in Jamestown, NY-Lucille Ball's hometown. Saturday would be her 100th birthday, so the town is putting on a huge event this weekend. Here are Hannah's bags all packed and ready to go for the 6 hr. drive early tomorrow morning. She is even going to dress up to take part in the Guinness Book record attempt for the most people in one place dressed up like Lucy! There's a museum,bus tour, the Playhouse with recreations of the sets, and a Tropicana nightclub where we're having dinner and watching an impersonators show, a parade, picnic in the park and outdoor Lucy under the stars movie. Should be interesting. Bailey, however, is not so excited. He knows bags equal people leaving. He'll be in good hands, as my parents agreed to come dog sit him, but the look on his face says he is less than thrilled at being left behind.

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