Colorful Life Journey

By suriLife

Confidence ...

I thought of just going to the grocery store today, but I decided to go to Target instead.. I saw this dress, and I decided to buy it. I like the colors, and it makes me feels good inside and out..

I like to look presentable whenever I go out to the store instead of being a drag because it helps me to walk tall and be confident; thus increase my self-esteem...

I realized that I began to change my outlook since I started ice skating and take up figure skating lessons.. Somehow, all those falling down on ice, makes me realized the pain of falling down and to have to get up on my own, and try to do it better.. but I prefer to fall down in style and with grace looking presentable... ;)

Anyway, I don't think am shallow by looking nice and presentable.. on top of that, am a girl afterall... :)

Wishing all Happy and blessed day!!

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