Wind blown

A nice wee Force 5 has blown the haar away. The sun is even starting to creep out.

I crept out on my bike to make a delivery and got battered and bruised heading to the west of the island. So I changed route and climbed up and over the hill. I was still being buffeted by the wind but at least it was from the side rather than head on and I was feeling like I was covering some distance rather than almost standing still whilst pedalling like a maniac.

I've become slightly concerned about my hill climbing ability since deciding to take part in the the Rousay Lap. Ru tells me I'll being paranoid and will be fine but I think I need to find some higher and longer hills to practice on. I reassure myself that a year ago I couldn't have managed the hill I went over today without having to walk most of it.

Mind you, if we get a wind like today we'll all be pedalling just to go downhill.

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