A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Science lesson

I've had to change this picture from a perfectly lovely landscape view to a picture of SooB conducting a very important experiment that seems to have proved that you will gain more weight if you drink water than whisky. I didn't think that could go unrecorded. Now I must go and pay attention before I get told off for using a mobile in class. I dread to think where this evening might end...

This was going to be a quick predinner blip before I got whisked off to the field hospital to deal with sword related injuries.

However, I am now in a position to report on what a fine BBQ steak dinner that was, despite being joined by all the flies in the world.

This is a different view from the terrace and includes an old iron plough in the foreground (in case it doesn't show up on screen) and a mighty fine haystack behind. A very fine haystack, though there are some quite magnificent examples around here that are both higher and wider and on more precarious slopes than this one.

A very lovely day that had a slow start for me as I did my parent-in-charge duties as our hosts headed off to talk to electricity companies in French and Carl went with them to nosy around the MBH. Though with supervision to ensure that he didn't fall through the floor at any point. He didn't and predictably he loved it. As do I though I want to rename it as Q&C - Quirky and Cool - but that might just be because I don't need to mend anything that's Broken or live with anything that's Mad.

After a lovely lunch on the terrace, that included homegrown lettuce and tomatoes that very needly made the blip, we headed our for an afternoon on a steam train and running around gardens. Well, the kids ran a bit but frankly it was far too hot for any grown-up running.

Then back here for more running around outside, tending to a few injuries suffered in the course of war, barbecuing meat and now no doubt some wine drinking and star gazing, once we remember to put the kids to bed.

Lesley x

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