This is poor MT asleep in hospital after a traumatic afternoon. He got kicked by a horse at a friends in the abdomen. He passed out,went limp, appeared to stop breathing all in a space of a minute. Thankfully he came round as I tried to open his mouth. The ambulance came followed shortly after by the air ambulance and after quite a few examinations and discussions they decided due to distance and not knowing if any internal damage to air lift us to hospital. My poor 7yr old had to go in the ambulance car to meet us. He was not impressed that there was no room for him in the helicopter! We are lucky that MT escaped with no internal injuries or broken bones. He has been quite chirpy after the morphine was administrated and has not required anymore. They are hoping to discharge him in the morning. He is hoping we can still go on holiday tomorrow. We will see what the doctors say. A day I will not forget or want to repeat. Thanks to A&A for getting the ambulance so quickly and keeping Maya and Flynn with them. Not quite the puppy blip I had planned for at theirs today.

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