Alex androidified

No rain today meant that the long awaited Mother of all sleepovers was able to take place tonight at our friend's house. 5 in a tent in the garden, I had printed out my NIMBY t-shirts. Next time it will undoubtedly be in our house. Given the age of the eldest of the friends, I think these dos might be reaching their end.

A Canadian colleague who I hadn't seen for 4 years was in town today so we managed to get some people, including a blipper, out for a few drinks. It was great catching up, a genuinely nice guy with many tales to share, amongst others the white knuckle ride that was 260 km/h on das autobahn. Unsurprisingly he was pretty much in awe of our fair city and did he have some luck with his timing of the visit.

Eyes on the world markets on the brink. I read some very interesting articles about the whole situation, quite intriguing I find.

So this is Alex who Andoided himself. Not the clearest of photos I have ever taken but with several glasses of Isle of Jura in me, my head wasn't the clearest.


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