Live for Today


Take Me To Your Leader

This poor little guy. I stalked him for a good amount of time, trying to get the perfect picture. I'm sure he wasn't thinking nice thoughts of me! The moment he would settle down all comfy, a camera was stuck in his face!

I actually had a tough time choosing a blip for today. I had it narrowed down to a couple I really like, but in the end I couldn't beat this little guy. If you want to see a few other shots, here are some outtakes.

Today was not too exciting of a day. With summer school officially over as of yesterday, I spent a majority of my day grading papers and tests before I submit final grades on Monday. I took a brief break to pop outside, shoot a few pics, walk Luigi, and then settled back down to grade. We did manage to get out for a bit this evening, however, and go out to supper with some friends and family. We visited a town about 45 minutes away to try something new for a change. It wasn't anything spectacular, but fun none the less!

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