Happy Birthday Marcia

A novel start on Ganavan Sands for the Day 1 Event at Dunollie and Dunstaffnage. It was a physical area in places with bracken, bog myrtle and prickly shrubs to negotiate on hill and marsh but I was quite pleased with my run. Tony was less so, I guess the tiredness of the last week has taken its toll and he will need a couple of days to come round. After the event we took a stroll through Oban and had a very nice cuppa and cake at the Chocolate Company Café, seriously yummy! Now we are relaxing with an early night on the cards.

Today?s blip is of friend Marcia heading off on her run from the beach. I had just wished her Happy Birthday, hence the smile! Let?s hope she had a good run.

It's also our daughter Jenny's birthday today. Happy Birthday Jen! xx

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