Annie's In Oregon

By anniescottage

Welcome to Coos Bay!

Along the highway, huge flower baskets greet visitors every Summer.
This one is perched on the sidewalk next to a gas station that has a car wash. I was in line for the car wash, snapping photos in the exhilarating evening light, when my sweet, and very silly husband drove up next to me and laughed at me taking picture in the car wash line. I have to admit that I am a little easier to catch off guard with a camera in my hand.

For the little nieces and nephews, a few photos of kittens and bricks.

A delightful day gardening at the Cottage. Even the light cooperated. The Sedum and other drought resistant flowers are perfect right now!

Now, back to the car wash...I really love taking art shots in a car wash. I think that will be my sub hobby. The illusion of a flood is interesting here.

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