
By traceyflowerpot

Down In The Dumps....

I have been really an unhappy bunnikins today. I woke up in a good mood, but my poor finger was hurting again and it is still very lapsed at the finger tip. So I decided to go to the Doctors about it. I injured it on 21st January and its been getting worse since I came out of the cast (which I was in for nine weeks). I have been out of the cast for four weeks now. It seems forever this injury.

In a way I am glad I did as they are sending me to the hospital to get it sorted out, but it is getting me down as I cant do certain things I used to do. I hope they will sort it out quickly.

I went to my Photography Course this evening though and I have just got home, so I thought I would quickly upload a photo, I didnt know what to do so I took a quick self portrait, my eyes look so red and dark today that I thought I would play around in Photo Shop again as I thought it would make me look and feel a bit more colourful.

I really liked the effect of the photo I took of Kieran yesterday, it looked really funky.

Sorry for harping on but I do feel a bit better for getting it off my chest...

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