C'est une belle vie



I depart Juba tomorrow morning for a few days in Uganda before returning to the U.S. So many things are going through my mind:
- I wish I had more time here.
- I wish I could do more.
- I pray that this country and its new leadership do the right thing to welcome the many Sudanese tribes and different types of people now calling South Sudan home (people who lived here during the war, people who left, returnees from the west, refugees and IDPs from nearby countries, foreign workers from Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia, Sri Lanka, China, America, etc).
- I wish the world wasn't so disparate in resources and opportunity.

What I can do is pray. And remember.

This photo was taken at the Link House, my primary residence in Juba for the past few weeks. The amazing chef always impressed me with his kindness and creativity. I appreciated his creations, such as this lively centerpiece. Was it necessary? No. But it was beautiful and creative nonetheless. In a region where so many struggle for survival, I've tried to stop and appreciate beauty wherever I find it.

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