not a Daily Blipper

By suzy

Up early for us on a Sunday morning me and molly was out before 9 and there was no one about.

Keith had a couple of jobs to do and when he had done we went to look at the Fremch market that was a couple of roads past us. We did not get anything though.

On our afternoon stroll we went though the park people where playing rounders i have not played that for years. We came back on the sea front and had a cuppa on the front and sat and watch the world go by for a few mins.

The weather today has been windy but warm. Just got the weather on and it has said there is going to be thunder storm.

this is me and molly sharing a chair hoping one of us is going to move but saying that molly likes this chair as she sits on the back looking out the window to keep an eye on the world but than she is on spoiled dog and as we have no kids she is our daughter.

Tonight is bingo night and big money is involed but as me for wining it i would not think so.

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