Folkie Booknerd

By Folkiebooknerd

A swift half and a close shave

(Or, get your hair cut while you get half cut...)

This pub in beautiful downtown Burbank* Birkenhead has long been a haunt of real ale lovers but it was only very recently that I discovered it was now under new ownership and had been transformed into a dual-purpose drinking and personal grooming establishment!

"For a fantastic haircut, superb shave and a relaxing pint" reads the legend outside and the barber's pole testifies to the unusual nature of the business within. Oh, and it recently won the 2011 Wirral CAMRA (Campaign for Real Ale) Pub of the Year award. Goatee - fancy stopping off here next time you're in town?

*Does anyone else remember Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In?!

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