Noodles and ice

It was a truly miserable day today, one which confirmed my fear that every day in August it shall rain. It hasn't rained every day, there was at least one so far when it didn't rain, but August is really becoming a rainy old month I find.

So I went to see the conclusion of the Harry Potter with our eldest. This was interesting for several reasons. Firstly and most importantly it was the end of a series of films and stories which I'm not sure she will see again for quite some time. Incidentally I tohught the film was excellent. Secondly I think it truly signals the ability to move upwards and onwards in the films I can watch with her, roll on some of the old classics I like, Jaws, Airplane and the Texas Chainsaw Massacre (well maybe not, although I do like that film).

I think that I really do learn something new every day. In fact I think I learned several things today, but the one graphically demonstrated above, no it is not worms, is that to make good stir fried noodles, having cooked said noodles, it is a good idea to place them in iced water. I think this is probably pretty old hat to be honest but it was new to me.

If I had more time than I currently do, I think I'd probably use some of it trying to make dishes I have never made before. I have made fried noodles, but they consistently stick and have always been not as good as I would have liked. Today however, I was well happy, and so were the rest of club107 including the number one son.

So the question remains, as my Granny used to say, what did you learn today?


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