Gambsy co

By ChrisG


Home again searching for todays blip, managed to fill up one and a half memory card's with possible blips.

Got this one as the cat finally decided to take a rest and although normally camera shy i think he was too exhausted to care and let me take his photo (Relished the opportunity and ended up with about 80 in the end :S (Although most got dumped in editing))

chose this particular one as i love how all the detail on his fur has come out

---Post Production---
In editing changed the contrast a bit and touched up slightly on sharpness not by much though.

Tweaked the colours of the original to give a more vibrant look and added a warming filter ontop, removed a bit of dirt from the front of the coat as it was a bit out of place in the photo.

changed some other things that i won't bore you with until it had that 'Aww' factor.


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