Laurence's 365

By jacsquests

Loving the outdoors

My boy just loves being outside. Come rain or sunshine, he wants to be outside.

Today, we did the allotment, he did 2 local parks and the playgrounds within them and the shops with daddy.

Then it suddenly rained. The rain caught them unprepared; daddy could not put the rain cover on one handed as he was holding a clingy Laurence and pushing the empty pushchair at the time.

They got soaked so fast, L got cold and was shivering. Had him wrapped up in a blanket as we met up at the allotment on our way home. Warm again, he slept all the way home in daddy's arms even though he was still wet.

Woke up, got washed and changed, and here he is, outside again in the garden refusing to stay in the warm, dry indoors, happily practising his steps in the warm, wet outdoors.

I won't discourage him, but boy, is it exhausting! Happy Sunday all. X

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