
...but I was prepared for it...but not the fact that the ice rink was going to be closed!

The buncle has been wanting to go ice skating all summer. Perhaps it's just me but I just can't go ice skating when the sun is shining. So Buncle knows to ask about ice skating when the sun ain't shining. Most times he forgets...and so do I..but the ice skating need has been growing recently so I was prepared today and before my run this morning...two days in a row...not that I'm crowing but I am...it's been a while...I checked out the ice skating session times...and I knew my goals!

So this morning after our late night last night we had a long lie...09hr00:-) I had some me time...I ran and lifted some weights...we all had breakfast and then I did some grocery shopping. Mr R made lunch and we headed off in time for the ice skating session...only to find out that the ice rink is closed until Tuesday...didn't check The Peak home page...went straight to the ice rink pages and missed that news:-( Ahhh...the best laid schemes...

Saved the day with an ice cream sundae in the Allan Water Cafe in Bridge of Allan and then some ten pin bowling. Wee fella participated for the first time properly and came in a very admirable 4th. The Mammy came in 6th in a family of 6...work it out:-)

This fella, the Rooster, did away with the guide today and threw all his own bowls...I stood most times with one eye open and my hands at my face in angst...imagine 'the scream'. He's is corrie-fisted...and the difficulty he had with that bowling ball today did make me wonder...is there such a thing as a left-handed bowling ball?

Also...he kept going into the other half of our shared lane to pick up his ball...there was nobody in that lane but I kept telling him off just incase somebody was put in there to share with us.. At the same time...I was thinking it was probably more natural for him. No wonder that boy is so loud and in your face he's fighting against imposed convention all the time...he's certainly make this right-handed Mammy think:-)

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