Toots in Solitude

By Toots


We visited Miekie and George again today in order to see the beautiful Sophie.
She is now six and a half weeks old and changed so much since the last short time ago we saw her. She already seems so aware of being a part of this world and coos and makes such sweet little noises. Adorable.

Bill, who really has a wonderful sounding Greek name that I never quite remember, also visited again.

We were quizzed by George with a logical poser and it took me about 25 minutes to work it out. It goes like this:-
4 people have to cross a narrow bridge with one torch that has 17 minutes battery life left in it. There is only room for 2 people to cross at any one time and each of the 4 people go at the speeds of - 1 minute; 2 minutes; 5 minutes and 10 minutes. So with the torch needed on each trip, how can they all reach the other side within 17 minutes?

Plus a backblip for yesterday.

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