you are my gravity.

By joannnieeee


from my xanga: Theres only a couple of main things that come out of my mouth and more than half of it are lonely, kill me now stories but everytime I talk about him/ talk about seeing him, i'm actually happy. I don't have him or even know him, but he's that little thing that makes me happy in a wierd way. In a wierd way that I don't even know him, he makes me happy just by seeing him and passing him in the halls.

38 days!

im currently in the pursuit of my own happyness.
&here i go, watch me.

"i'd rather choose to fall in love and be hurt. sometimes i can't even sleep because of it. and there's always sadness in our lives. it's that sad feeling that keeps us going. because if we can overcome that sadness, we can hope for happiness in the future."

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