an itching in my thumbs

By itchythumbs

Post Office

1. I have this dream of one day publishing a photo book that is just photographs of US Post Offices. For such a standardized service, the buildings can vary wildly and I find them all so fascinating. I will be the only one who purchases said book. (And yes, I do have a ridiculous collection already of photos of post offices.)

2. I went to Vermont today - hit up Weston & Manchester mostly, putzing around the Green Mountain National Forest. What a beautiful state - I was truly stunned to find it as awesome as I had heard, and so different from Massachusetts. If it weren't for that pesky winter, I'd be moving up here.

3. I missed the blip opportunity of a lifetime while in Manchester. So much so that I immediately texted Brian to tell him about it.

Let me preface this by saying: I do not pick up hitchhikers. I never have. It's simply not a good idea. Today, however, I (sort of) did. Manchester is right on the Appalachian Trail, and four young hikers with all their gear were on the side of the road in town looking for a ride up the mountain to hit the next trailhead. It was about 4 miles, and they didn't want to walk on the highway (can't blame them). A girl and three guys, and after chatting with them a bit I determined they weren't weirdos and said if they could all fit in the tiny Yaris I would take them.

So, 4 hikers with all their massive gear (these guys had been on the trail since April in Georgia), the dog I had with me (a Boxer), myself, and the tire I screwed up a couple days ago all somehow fit in the Yaris. I should've photographed it but didn't. And then, when I let them out, I didn't even ask for a group portrait! I thought of it 5 miles down the road and was absolutely kicking myself. Bummer.

4. Sox beat the Yankees in an extra inning today and we remain on top of the AL. Hell yes.

5. I leave for Texas in a week. Wonder if I can make it up to Maine before then...?

Also, thanks for all the great comments, I know I have been lax and will try to stop in on most of you tomorrow night.

Lastly, jump over to my wonderful friend Leah's journal and wish her a happy birthday. Her and I share birth months, and I always thought my birthday (8/18/89) was rather cool until I met her, as hers is 8/8/80. Celebrate with you soon!

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