To See it & Remember

By Nicandvic

Snug as a bug

Today I needed to take my pushbike to have a service as it's been stuck in the cellar for the past 18 months. I've bought a baby bike seat for it so I can take Victor on little expeditions, I'm so excited! Hope he'll love it, he loves being outside and being high up so he can see what you see. Anyway to get my bike to Cyclops I needed my hands free, so couldn't use the pushchair - which meant fishing out Victors old sling that I used a lot when he was first born. Wasn't sure what he'd make of it now he's bigger, but it was obviously comfy as he fell fast asleep. Although he's much heavier than when I last used it, it was still surprisingly comfy for me too and took a lot of the weight - bet I'll feel it later though!

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