Jack fruit tree

This morning we had a thai cooking course which was fun. In the afternoon we visited Doi Suthep a temple on a mountain with many steps before we arrived. We saw this tree with many colourfull ribbons, during the trip in Thailand and Laos we saw more trees like this, sometimes with a small spirit house. The spirit house you can see next to every house. Some info. from this website.
Spirit houses are actually the most prominent indication of the importance that belief in the spirits plays in everyday Thai life. Outside every Thai home, hotel, hospital, or office building there is always a modest but brightly painted house, carefully positioned at a level that is slightly higher than the eye line of a standing person. This is the home of Phra Phum, the Lord of the land, and when a new home is to be built, the first thing Thai people do is to find a suitable place in the garden for the spirit house. Selection of the exact spot for this dwelling can only properly be done by someone well versed in spirit lore, and these special souls are believed to able to communicate directly with the other side. The house must face either north or south, but preferably north, and must not be located where the owner larger house overshadows it otherwise the spirits will not come to live in it. Once divined, a post is set up at the chosen site, and the little house is perched on top. It generally contains a single room with an outer terrace, where daily offerings to the guardian spirit are placed. A symbolic picture of the spirit is also carved on a small piece of wood inside the little house, with its back to the wall, and at the time of installation, food, fruit, candles, incense, and flowers are placed on a table before the shrine, while the spirit is invited to come and make his home there and to protect the property and the residents of the new house. From that day onwards, fresh flowers, incense, and candles are regularly placed on the small gallery outside, and specially prepared food is offered to the spirits on important occasions such as the anniversary of the building, birthdays, deaths, and the lunar New Year.

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