A year of adventure

By sjones

The return of the cat

We collected the cat today from Mum's work (She's a vet). He is happy to be home and demanding food already. He's not the easiest to photograph and he headbutts the camera and moves too much. Michael helped me take this photo by fussing the cat and keeping him entertained.

I have done lots of jobs and washing today, so that things are a bit sorted after coming back from holiday. I've been helping Michael get stuff sorted to go to Soul Survivor too. I met a friend for coffee this afternoon that I haven't seen in a couple of years, which was lovely. We are going out to dinner with Grandpa in a while and then I am seeing my oldest friend Patsi this evening. Patsi is three months older than me and I have known her since I was born, I can't wait to see her and catch up.

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