My life in blips

By Goretex

Puddle Dancing

I swear MP was dancing about in ecstasy when we were out on the moss this morning. There were so many great puddles (if you are a dog), not so good if you are the walker or passing people who are not dressed in "dog" clothes!

Needless to say, the hose had to come out when we got home.

Lovely lunch with my sister looking on to George Square - amazing soundproofing in the Millenium Hotel - we couldn't even hear the bagpipes or the drums and they were just across the road.

As a follow up to yesterday's decorations, just baking the cupcakes just now, so hopefully, they will appear decorated for tomorrow's blip - no pressure!!

PS KillerQueen and co ...... I have a captive source of samplers for tomorrow, so you won't need to eat as many as normal.

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