A Collector of Oddities

By MinBannister

The end?

I am now the proud owner of a new Nikon D3100 having been eventually worn down by my husband.

Not all of today's attempts were this bad but my reasons for choosing a photo of a Whitethroats bottom were threefold:-

1. I thought walking out and taking a photo of a Whitethroat would annoy Anth, tee hee. :-)
(see here for yesterdays very cute photo of one)
2. It neatly sums up my initial attempts to actually take any pictures with this thing.
3. I wanted to use the cheesy "end" gag.

I am sure I will get used to it but when I do it definately will not be The End for my compact. It is still easier to carry about and I still have a much better grasp of how to turn the picture in my head to a reality with it, for now anyway!

Normal service will be resumed tomorrow..

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