horns of wilmington's cow

By anth


Monday Monday....

Does anyone know how to unlearn 6 years of bullying scapegoating? My old work has a lot to answer for, and I'm going to blame today's stress on that psychological scarring that simply refuses to heal properly. I appear to have forgotten what good management is, and how to deal with it; I'm constantly indulging in covering my back where it's not needed; I'm trying to read things into what's being asked when there is nothing lurking behind the words.

Post-traumatic stress of a sort. Kinda.

Tomorrow I'm just going to head down and bloody well get on with my to-do list (which grew massively today as I fretted about non-issues). All a bit pathetic really.

And daft as in another respect I'm feeling a bit better about things. I've hinted at an allergy-hunt on here recently. And while today I was put straight that it's a 'sensitivity' or 'intolerance' hunt (and allergy being something that can kill you it appears - like peanut allergies) there was a feeling I might have struck on something. Years without anything like this, and then when I'm fitter than at any point in my life, as well as eating better and so on, I develop some sort of problem. A trip to the doc confirmed an intolerance leading to IBS. Joy. How to find the cause? Process of elimination.

How terribly trendy that it might be a gluten/wheat intolerance. Sheesh. Nowhere near confirmed yet of course. That would be too easy...

Can you tell what it is yet?
Juvenile Gull
Sunlit House Martin

p.s. Theresa May, no matter how many times you say that the rioters are indulging in 'sheer criminality' it's not going to make the rioters realise that what they are doing is wrong. And do you really think they are all going to be 'brought to justice'? Really? That appears to be the Tory line - these rioters are going to be 'brought to justice'. I'm not defending the riots, that would be as moronic as the people setting fire to other people's houses and cars themselves, but seriously, those in charge, try and think why there are so many disaffected youth out there who think that this is the way to get heard.

And apparently Boris Johnson is cutting his holiday short to 'show solidarity' with those in the affected areas. Solidarity. At least Cameron is honest in the fact that, while it's poorer non-Tory areas, he truly doesn't give a fuck damn.

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