Clean Slate

By cleanslate

Now look here...

... just put that camera away and give me a push!

Or something..

Busy day. School friend's birthday, so coffee and cakes at his house whilst the boys played (they were allowed a cake!) 3 school friends and 3 little siblings makes quite a house full! But my 2 were mostly well behaved *phew*

The Moomin house has 'flaked' all over the floor, as predicted, so I'm pretending it hasn't dried yet, to buy myself some more time to decide what to do about it!

We made rice crispy cakes :-) Yum, with M and Ms on the top :-) :-) Yummy Yummy Doodles!

Played in the park, I nearly fell over on a slippy bit and I thought no.1 son would never breathe again, he laughed so hard! Charming....

Back to work tomorrow, for a rest. Sort of!!

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