A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

Sum yourself up Miss!

This is me. As part of an Art project for some of my Year 11s. I was mugged - would I do a self portrait with a poster that contained a sentence or two about who I perceived myself to be and a statement about the world I live in. Quite deep and meaningful - and really difficult to answer when you're put on the spot in the dining room at lunch time!!! After some delaying tactics ("come back at the end of school lads and it will be sorted!") this is what I came up with.

Interestingly both students are 'good' kids and I have a rapport with them - and we had a good long conversation about photography etc and I gave them some advice about editing etc for their project - to which I was treated to such incredulous looks ...."how do you know about all of this" and statements such as "you're actually quite cool Miss" and "how do you find time to do all of this" and "where do you find your inspiration" ....

Kids - they just don't get that teachers are real people with real lives and interests.
(If you're reading this you two - you know who you are and I hope the project goes well!)

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