Day 9 Gloucester

21months 17days

Quite a day, roadtrip wise. Quite a day, fabulous adventures-wise. We started out in Clevedon. We took a trip, with Jess, to a really fabulous pool in Portishead. What a great pool it was. There was a childrens leisure pool, where she did lots of splashing, played in the spurts, and ramps, before wanting to go into the big "proper" swimming pool. She did some great swimming, before going back to the leisure pool. She created her own little circuit, round the mini rapids & spray, through the pool, up the ramp and back through the fish to play boo with jess. She went in a (turned off) jacuzzi pool and loved using the ledge as her own jumping platform. After swimming, we were really sad to wave goodbye to Jess and her mum, but another lovely set of memories, and off to make some more.

We drove up to Gloucester, to visit one of her godmothers. She was extremely excited that Aunty Rachael has a lovely little dog, Barneydog. Her and Haydn had a play outside. Katie loved the pretend lawn mower.

We then headed to the Slimbridge Wetland. What a brilliant facility! Ball pool, rockers, puzzles, frog and toad aquariums and statues (including a gorilla) and we'd just walked through the visitor centre!

We fed some geese, swans, ducks, before heading to the Welly Boot area - water play, streams, fountains and a play park. On artificial grass. the children had a blast. We'd taken a picnic, which they did eat quite well, although playing took priority. We walked round to see more birds and animals and it began to rain. Katie asked for her blanket, and I ended up carrying her in my arms, wrapped in a blanket like a newborn.

We saw flamingos, otters, a beever nest, waders. We took them into another discovery area with more soft play, water trays and a sorting game, before we headed off. We stopped for bread etc at tesco, and ended up deciding to feed them there. They ate a decent tea before home for a bath together.

Once in her jammies, I packed her up and we headed for our overnight stop, in Redditch with a very dear friend. Katie remembered when we arrived there how much she loves Dear Friend, and woke full of beans with no inclination to go to bed at all yet, thank you mummy. She intended to play with Dear Friend, eat ice cream and have a jolly nice time.

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