Life after the Lupo

By latl

Rain, rain go away

Today we walked into town, I should have known that would have been too much for me, the walk down was fine in the nice warm sun and I really enjoyed a wee chance at helping Connor shop for some clothes and have a look at furniture and other flat related things but half way through I had to sit down as my ankles had swollen up. After Connor treated me to a nice wee caramel sundae from Macdonalds I was ready to go again but my spirits were dampened when we stepped out the Wellgate into pouring rain. I should have taken a jacket. We went via the Overgate for some shelter and I luckily managed to find my Dada the rest of his birthday present, its a cracker! Cannot say what it is though just incase.

By the time we got home I was ready for a nice bath and cup of hot chocolate. I carried my camera all day and ended up photographing out the window from my wee mattress on the floor!

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