Sweet dusty-bones

By sweetdustybones

Sick Day

Monday got sick,
and sneezed on tuesday
so tuesday caught it too.

Wednesday ducked
and just missed the blast
from tuesday's snotty "ach-ooo"!

Thursday snarled
as he wiped off the spray,
and then smeared it on friday's shoe.

Friday kicked off the greeny
towards saturday's weeny
who then ran in despair to the loo.

Sunday laughed at them all,
"What a circus, what a ball"!
But then monday wiped a snot on him too.

Words by me. The result of being cooped up in house with a sick toddler for most of the day. The picture? A view of our bathroom, a room with which I am far too well acquainted on Sick Days like today.

ps sorry for lack of comments. Will be more blip-sociable again once the Boo is all better :) x x x

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