Netters and co

By Netters

No Hands

This is all I have taken today, its safety kid, our neighbour gave Freya knee pads, elbow pads and gloves that her daughter is too old for, Freya is thrilled and has worn them since yesterday afternoon and has now requested roller skates as a late entry to the birthday list, the kid is bad enough on her feet without the added death wish of mounting her wheels . Anyway, she now feels invincible and wanted me to take a photo of her riding with no hands, on a bike with stabilizers , thus limiting the danger quite significantly. So I did.

It ended with a huge screaming fit because she kept wobbling and I didnt take the shot she wanted :-o bad mother award for me then. She actually threw herself to the ground and screamed ! she hasnt done that for ages , not with real meaning, but today she did, so I sent her in for an early bath. She had recovered half an hour later but not enough to be allowed to play on the computer tonight , so she screamed about that too, so she went to bed and I considered leaving home.

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