It Started Down Under

By dirk

Green Beans & Potatoes

The schnitzel has already been eaten at this point in dinner. I cooked early so my sister could eat in time. She had been cleaning much of the house while I was gone this weekend. Great to come home to a clean place. Back to the dinner... I was eating alone, since my sister had to go to work just before the potatoes were ready.

This evening I went to Berkel-Enschot for a repertoire commission meeting. Together with the conductor and 2 members of the choir In Between I looked into new songs for the choir and what songs we would be singing at important occasions in the upcoming season.

After this meeting I went to my girlfriend where I played another game of Age of Empires against her over the network. Had quite some fun and felt bad that I had to leave so early (1 o'clock).

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