
By Juleshki


A touch of the autumnals in the air this morning, on this the ninth day of August 2011. The leaves are turning, the conkers are falling and my walk through the woods has had me making a few notes.

1. Wear a warmer jacket next time.

2. Use the monopod.
(i) for use with camera in the shady areas.
(ii) for getting me up off my knees.

3. Small folding stool for saving my knees.

4. Flask of coffee.

Erm, ok, getting the hang of this now.

5. Croissants. To go very nicely with the coffee, obviously.
(Almond preferably, if not then chocolate)

6. A volunteer Sherpa to carry the above.
(Must be prepared to stand and wait a lot of the time and not say "C'mon!" or "What are you doing?" at any point during the walk)

Have I missed anything essential off?

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