Big Splash!

21months 20days

Its been a lovely first day at home, spent with friends that we've missed and have missed us! I told Katie at about 8am that we were seeing Harrison and Aiden and she spent the next hour and a half trying to make me leave then.

She trotted excitedly out and along the highstreet, pleased to see the familiar sights - the oranges shop, the dog shop, the straw shop (cheese), before we arrived at tea and toast. She gave H a massive cuddle and they spent most of the time shadowing each other. The children's centre toy library was there so there were a lot more toys today. Katie enjoyed some jigsaws. All the children enjoyed a big bag of pots and pans, which they of course used as drums and cymbols.

We had been invited to go home with H&A. Katie decided she wanted to go in the double buggy with Aiden, so Harrison came with me. A cheese straw stop to tide them over until we got home and they were all happy. They had a spot of lunch, before Aiden fell asleep and we took the big 2 in the swimming pool. Katie had so very much fun. She always does, but even more so today. We were all swimming round and round in circles making a tiny whirlpool and she kept just swimming under the water and coming up giggling away. They were in for nearly an hour and had a blast.

They got out and ran around in their little robes/towels before troughing lots of post-swimming "we're starving-feed-us-right-now" snacks. Katie began to flag so we left. The ice cream van passed us as we went so she got her first from-the-van 99, which she ate some of before dropping on the floor. So she got mine, which she dropped on the floor. I picked her up and within two minutes she was asleep on my shoulder. A very fun day!

I've done all the holiday backblips if you missed yesterday's link!

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