Solar Pavilion
Today the brand new Solar Pavilion has been playing host to a talk by Sorcha Carey, Director of Edinburgh Art Festival all about the Pavilion itself.....
"The Solar Pavilion is the centre piece of the Edinburgh Art Festival 2011. Situated within the St Andrew's Square Gardens beneath the imposing Melville Monument, the elegant pavilion designed by Scottish artist Karen Forbes will be open to the public from the 4th August. This specially commissioned pavilion creates a beautiful focal point and centre to the Art Festival this year, as a dynamic space to showcase the latest of Scottish and international creativity and innovation.
The Solar Pavilion draws time in light, creating a parallel line to the Melville Monuments? circling shadow. It is an architectural twinned system moving continuously through the horizontal and vertical axii, driven by the sun. It reminds you that you are standing on the rotating earth, in constant motion, illuminated by the great star at the centre of our universe. One could say that it is the greatest theatre of all; from night to day, then returning to darkness.
The Solar Pavilion reveals again the Melville Monument, a giant column built on the main line of what was at that time the most revolutionary city centre master plan in existence. It is an axis or centre-point that everything else turns around at the heart of the Scottish Capital. Part Carpe Diem ? it is an ancient symbol to join earth to heaven".
I reckon they were more interested in the gobshite outside the window waving his fatty lens around and stopping people walking in front of his blip.
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