I spy with my little eye

By roaminaround


This is madness!
I am kept up to date by the likes of Twitter, Facebook and even blipfoto, as well as the BBC News 24. I am up to date with sample public opinion and the swings of opinion in the blink of an eye. These numpties are also using the same media means apparently to plan and impliment their thuggery and brutality on the ordinary man.

Do they not realise they are not attacking the "main man", they are attacking their fellow man, their neighbour, their communities.

We have the right to have opinions and express them. However,this is nothing but violence and crime under the banner of fighting the system.

Shame on these people, and shame on our political system for letting this excalate. These people are asking directly for support with the intervention of the army to support the police, but hey that would mean Cameron would have to admit that he does not have enough police on the streets to keep us safe........rant over I hope :/

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