
By feorlean

A very Modern Apprentice

One my way back from the Cabinet meeting in Stranraer I called in at a number of education. early years and training projects in the South West, including the YMCA Positive Play activities at Stair Park. My final visit was to Motorwise , a vehicle recovery and repair company in Newton Stewart, whose owner Jim McDowall was on hand to tell me about the contribution being made by seventeen year old Kerry True , who started in the Get Ready to Work Programme , then moved on to a Modern Apprenticeship and who is now working full time in a busy office , answering phone calls and dealing with a great deal of crucial paper work. A real success for SDS and Scottish Government support including the Employer Recruitment Incentive and a fine tribute to her and her employer !

BTW - thanks for all the birthday greetings on Facebook and by Twitter today. Another year older.....

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