Me! Me! Pick me!

Aye. There's no avoiding it. That festival thing. Probably benefits from enlargification.

Back to mainstream transport today - the old bus and train combo - seeing as it was the annual meeting with the moustachioed men, even though one of the number is missing in action. As a mark of respect for their missing comrade DrCraig and MrBremner were clean shaven (or at most extensively stubbled). Andmoff was just plain scruffy.

Refreshment and wandering were in order so we wandered the streets and after dusk went in search of the D77 memorial light bulb. Failed in that quest and, on a personal level, pretty much failed in the photography quest too. But it wasn't really about taking photos. Fine company.

Tomorrow I'm bound for the big smoke (and it really is the big smoke) although hopefully Borough and its environs will be quiet. And after the thievery of my last visit to London, I'll be keeping a close eye on my bag.

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