All things Blipable....

By Tina

i need a rant..sorry!

Oblivious to the UKs issues..
Nelson,sat in the garden protecting all that he surveys!

I have a feeling of foreboding today.
decided not to watch the tv.
wont check the papers online

had to take some OFF chicken back to a certain supermarket.
the lady told me they are on HIGH alert
she also told me Bath's Victoria park was done over last eve, and also Swindon was too.

I have been back in the UK a year now, and you know what..
i really love the UK..
BUT..its going rapidy to the dogs, and the scum that are looting and rioting seem to be just 'getting away with it'

I work, hubby works..we dont own Designer clothes,iphones,ipads,posh trainers and bling
we work hard!

we work hard to live. to exist. to pay bills.

no one owes us anything (except our X tenant who did a runner and has gone to reside in a commune somewhere )
Once again.. society has dealt us a blow..she gets away with wrecking OUR house, and WE get to fork out thousands to put it right!

The tenants protected..(just like the scum out there that are looting)
the landlords (us, and shopkeepers alike) well.. its our problem isnt it

god im so very cross..
whats happened to our country!

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