
By Meandertall

Hi Cane season

Neighbours spraying Hi cane today.
The yellow bag on the letterbox is a new initiative that is intended to let the postie know that it aint safe to deliver here. The growers are also meant to put a yellow cone streetside at each end of the block being sprayed. This is the result of I think 3 years of public meetings and a community group campaigning the kiwifruit industry. It is starting out in our local patch. Turns out the posties have been getting hit with the hi cane quite badly.

Dont ask my view, or I will tell you this is just the tip of the iceberg. Hi cane gets most of the attention given that thousands of Ha are all sprayed in the space of a few weeks, so there always ends up a few slip ups, as in poisoning the neighbours. There are still plenty of hard chemicals being used to grow your food. The avo industry commonly fires plumes of organophosphates 10 meters into the sky, you think that aint going to drift for Kms.

Dont ask me what I think of it all. Oh and yes the recycle truck came this morning, business as usual.

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