Nell's World

By nell2803

Week Challenge #3

Day 3 of the challenge and today's theme is landscape.

Yesterday was warm and sunny with fantastic blue sky. Today, wet, wet and wet.

It is so dull today I nearly did an indoor blip instead of participating in the challenge. After my coffee and staring out the window in frustration I decided to jump in the car and see if there was anything blipworthy on the theme of landscape. On my way back I took a detour to see if the horses were maybe sheltering under a tree when the colours from the campsite caught my eye. The poor campers must have had a miserable night as I believe the rain was heavy all night. Some looked like they were already packing up and leaving. The forecast is the same for the whole day and tomorrow.

Not sure if this is strictly landscape, there is a river, trees and grass, but it is at least a bit more colourful than the traditional landscape scenes here today.

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