not a Daily Blipper

By suzy

afternoon read

To day has been really good my friend text me and said did i want to go out for lunch at the club she was a member of. So we meet in town and went to the club and had sandwhiches i had beef and horse raddish sauce which was really nice,and as i was being treated it tasted better.

We had a good chat putting the world to rights but i dont think we can even do that at the moment. She thank me for helping her out the other day as she is like me and has some health problems which she appreciated it which is nice as so many people these days dont

She is going a way for a couple of days so she said that we could have the use of her garden while she is a way so i hope the weather keeps nice. so me and molly had an hour in it this afternoon here we are catching up on out reading

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